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Grading & Reporting

District 401 uses standards-based grading (also known as a standards-based reporting) for grades K-8. This approach enables teachers to provide more effective feedback to students and families on a student's learning progress.

Standards-based grading and reporting clearly communicates how students perform on a set of clearly defined learning targets called "standards." In Illinois, all public schools are required to teach the Illinois Learning Standards. The purpose of standards-based grading and reporting is to identify what a student knows or can do, in relation to these standards.

A key difference in a standards-aligned system is that teachers and students have clear knowledge of the learning targets (what students must know and be able to do) that indicate if students are performing at grade level.  Another difference in standards-based grading is that it is important to separate feedback on learning habits and academic performance. In a standards-based system:

The curriculum clearly identifies what needs to be learned and how to assess it.

  • Learning targets are clear and shared with students.
  • Formative assessments are used to monitor student understanding and growth toward learning targets.
  • Students have opportunities to work on areas of need as indicated by the formative assessments.
  • Students are assessed using summative assessments that are standards-aligned after learning has occurred.
  • The process of learning and the product of learning are reported separately. 

Proficiency Levels

It's important to keep in mind that the numbers in a standards-based report card do not correlate with traditional letter grades. On a proficiency scale, the numbers 1-4 indicate the following levels of performance: 

  • 4 (Exceeds): The student meets and applies the rigor of the standard to show a deeper level of understanding.
  • 3 (Meets): The student demonstrates grade-level expectations for concepts and skills.
  • 2 (Developing): The student is progressing toward basic understanding of course concepts and skills with assistance.
  • 1 (Below): The student shows an emerging awareness of concepts and skills.


Checking Progress with PowerSchool

Student progress may be viewed throughout the entire school year by logging into your PowerSchool account.
If you do not have your login information, please feel free to contact the main office at your school.