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Elmwood students collaborate with family members to create storybook

Elmwood student and her father working on her story
Sam Britten, Marketing & Publishing Specialist

Elmwood Elementary School had a fun activity for Panther families: revising stories their children wrote in school. Elmwood third graders wrote stories about any topic of their choosing. Students completed the rough drafts in class and their family members came to school to get a taste of the revision process.

“It’s the part that’s the hardest for the kids to do because they have to re-read their work and find common things like misspellings, capitalization and punctuation errors,” said third grade teacher Diane Daniels. 

After the final drafts were finished it was art time; students grabbed some markers and went to work creating beautiful illustrations to go with their writing. One student, Dominic Chiarello, wrote his story about Detroit Lions quarterback Jared Goff and his journey through the NFL. 

Elmwood student showing his drawing

Student Dominic Chiarello holds up his drawing of Jared Goff's Detroit Lions jersey. (D401 Photo: Sam Britten)

Another student, Abel Tino-Gonzalez, is fascinated by snakes and can recite several facts about the reptiles. Naturally, his story is about snakes. 

“My dad and I drew a snake on a beach,” said Tino-Gonzalez. 


Elmwood student drawing his picture

Santiago Cintron and his stepson Abel Tino-Gonzalez work on his drawing. Cintron says his
stepson draws on his own all the time at home. (D401 Photo: Sam Britten)

All of the stories, along with the incredible artwork, will go in a book that families can purchase. The books will be made by Studentreasure Publishing. Learn more about what the book will look like here. If you would like to buy a book, inform your students’ third grade teacher no later than Monday, April 22. 

To view more pictures from the event, click here.

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